Extending health span at home with AI-powered wisdom

We believe everyone deserves to live the life they choose without worrying about their health as they age.

Meet Monica, your care co-pilot

Hosted by the MiiCube, Monica, our digital health coach, empowers older adults to self-care at home through voice interactions and conversational AI, guiding them on their well-being journey.

Making health management effortless

Our platform enables you to effortlessly monitor and enhance the elements impacting your health.

We streamline data collection, offer predictive insights, create personalised care plans, and ensure proactive user engagement - all centred around prioritising your well-being.





hours of care delivered


reduction in staff burden



fewer days spent in hospital (Sodexo)


avg. Monica engagement rate per conversation


8 months

longer before nursing transition


reduction in cost of care


  • Discharge to Assess

    Ensuring doctors have vital user data and continuous updates, while identifying vulnerable patients, intervening early when necessary.

  • Virtual Wards

    Through leveraging AI to monitor patients' health, vitals, activity, and mental well-being, offering a comprehensive record for clinicians to make informed interventions and enhance patient care.

  • Domiciliary Care

    Our integrated platform supports domiciliary care providers through real-time patient information, efficient visit tracking, and personalised care capabilities.

The technology making this possible

Trusted by…

4 NHS ICBs, 19 Local Authorities, and 12 private domiciliary care providers in the UK, and are partnering to launch in the US and EU markets soon.

Shaping a compassionate future

Passionate about empowering older adults at home?

Fill in the form and be a part of the movement to keep older adults independent at home, for longer.